Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Resolution

As and addition slash follow up to my blog on New Year's Resolutions:

I complain about them and try my best to not actually make any, but through the day I still think, this year Im going to dot dot dot.

And I feel like its because we've been conditioned to keep doing that, but as much as I try not too, it seems like I just fall deeper into that particular rabbit hole and then I'm left wondering, if there's ever any real hope for an unconditioned way of life.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for visiting my blog! :)
    unconditioned way of life ey? i doubt it. lol. but you've reminded me that i need to make new years resolutions! i don't know why, but i feel slightly more productive than normal when i make some resolutions...even if they don't happen :/
