Sunday, January 4, 2009

We Are The Same Blood

Have you ever been in a situation where you were the other woman, or man or basically just the other?


How many times, have you known love or just a  general relationship to die because of a third parties involvement? Whether it be a secret partner, meddling friends or an overbearing family... how many lines are okay to cross when you're on the outside?

I just had a friend of mine tell me that we couldn't talk anymore, because his girlfriend wasn't okay with it. I hadn't really thought of myself as the other woman, but thinking back, if it had been me as his girlfriend and she as the girl he was texting, I would have felt extremely justified in telling him to say goodbye. 

I knew he had a girlfriend, and although we flirted here and there, it never really seemed relevant to me, because I had no intention to be with him or take him from her. We did talk about sex and I may have crossed a line in one or two situations, but is it the fault of the partner or the other when all is said and done?

Is the line small enough to wear you can only see it in the distance and only if you're using binoculars...or is it thick as a wall positioned directly in front of our eyes. Although we didn't do much more than tease each other here and there, I can't help but feel guilty for talking to him in general. I can't figure out if his girlfriend is justified in wanting him to stop talking to other girls or if she's just insecure.

When it comes to relationships and friends... is there an unwritten rule that says we can only have one or the other?

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