I want to talk about religion today. Tricky topic I know. But I was recently sent this quote, by Daisaku Ikeda, a very prominent figure in Buddhism for those of you who aren't familiar with it, and it got me thinking about how disconnected I, personally am when it comes to religion.
I am not a Buddhist, I am not a Christian, I am not Jewish, I am not a Muslim. I have no real religious affiliations. I wouldn't go far enough to call myself an atheist, because I'm not. I believe that there is SOMETHING out there, I'm just not sure what it might be. So I guess if I had to be labeled, I would be an agnostic. But that's where a big bulk of my problem with religious ambiguity lies, I do not want to be labeled.
I do not want to be lumped into a group that says, this is what we are, this is how we define ourselves, this is what we believe in and this is how we live our lives.
No thank you.
I have no problem with other people finding religious connections with their gods, and their families and friends and sects and whatever it is they believe in. I am in no way religiously prejudiced, but I still have trouble understanding what faith is. And I know that one can never fully understand any one religious sect unless they are whole heartedly thrust within it. So that's my catch 22, I want to understand without being the middle. I guess you could call me holistic.
I think that my problem is, I don't trust religion. Because it's become this emphatic... thing, where it seems like everything is predetermined and god this and god that. I don't believe that. And I don't believe in blood shed in the name of someone else, God and human alike. Yes, I am speaking in a ridiculously general sense here but the basic fundamentals don't change.
I don't trust religion, because of the people who call themselves religious.
It should never be a question of God's Will.
It should always be your will. If your God's are truly as magnificent and glory worthy as everyone makes them sound, then gay people should have the right to be married. A Christian should have the right to marry a Jew. The middle east should be able to sleep soundly for one night and so on and so on. I don't believe that Religion should dictate anything, I believe that it should be there to support you, when you need it, because you want it's help.
"Religion should bring us together, but it is exploited by some to crete greater schisms among us. Nothing could be more unfortunate. Religion must always be for the people. People do not exist for the sake of religion. This must be the fundamental guideline of the twenty-first century."- Daisaku Ikeda
I am not a Buddhist, but as of my tumultuous 2007 and 2008, I've become very accustomed to its teachings and practices. My mother has become a Buddhist and her best friend, Diane, who I live with has been a Buddhist for 20 or so years. I'm still not a religious person, but I am a very spiritual one, which I think can be done regardless of religious views. The quote above, said by Daisaku Ikeda, really speaks to me. I whole heartedly agree with it.
I think if I had to be anything, I would be a Buddhist.
But for now, I'll stick with being a curious and eager to learn 19 year old, asking questions like, "When it comes to religion vs. religion, will the war ever end?"