Sunday, January 18, 2009

Am I beautiful?

Am I usable?

I can't help but wonder, if we dress ourselves up, personality and aesthetics alike to help ease the letdown that we all expect. It's so rare to see a genuinely happy person anymore, and if you do see one, you wonder what's wrong with them. 

What the hell is wrong with us?
How did we get here? 

To this place where happiness isn't even accessible enough to be second string, it's more along the lines of 9th or 10th. This may be more of an extreme generalization than I'm making it sound but the truth is that I see so much let down and hurt in every day and I can't help but wonder if maybe we set ourselves up for it, if maybe, by always accepting the hurt and the letdowns and the fuck ups, we damn ourselves to a life less frightening which in turn creates a routine of predictability... of always just accepting.

We're taught as young girls that if a boy hits you or teases you, he likes you. But what if he just likes hitting and teasing you?  We're conditioned to believe this nonsense of settling down and accepting resignation. I wonder, if we stopped accepting the anger and the hate and the mediocre, if we could change ourselves. But then I wonder, do we need a change at all or are we not only content but happy with living in this bubble.

When it comes to live and actually living ... do we dress up to stay down?

1 comment:

  1. Wow. This really got me thinking! I like your blog a lot, and I can't wait to see what you post next.
